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Homeopathic Treatment for Gulf War Syndrome (cont.)

by Erika North Price, DIHom, DHM

Apis mellifica

It is an excellent first aid remedy for illness caused by Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and allergic reactions when skin is bright pink, burning, itching, stinging, with swelling, puffiness and edema. It is the homeopathic Anti-inflammatory and Anti-histamine.

  • Allergic reaction: when skin is bright pink, burning, itching, stinging, with swelling, puffiness and edema; hives; anaphylactic shock; to chemicals, antibiotics; worse for heat and touch.
  • Allergic Sore Throat: due to allergy: back of throat bright red, swollen uvula, pain burning stinging.
  • Bladder Cystitis: sudden onset with frequent desire to urinate with burning pain and soreness while urinating, especially last drops; pressing bladder pain, urging painful; burning pressing bladder pain; burning pain in neck of bladder before and during urination; worse after sleep, and 4-6 p.m.
  • Cancer: to relieve pain of cancer, with burning, stinging, swelling of right breast, tongue, lower eyelids, and open tumors.
  • Cysts: of the breast, ovaries, and of any kind that develop very rapidly and are very large.
  • Edema: primarily caused by an allergen; internal and external, with swelling and pale white shinning; with joint and extremity pains; without thirst; foot swelling with sweating.
  • Eye Inflammations: allergic condition with swelling around eyes, lids swollen (full of liquid), shiny, red, excessive tearing; burning, stinging; sudden piercing pains; conjunctivitis; trachoma; better for cold applications, worse for heat and bright light.
  • Hives/Urticaria: burning and swelling of lips and eyelids, worse for warmth; nodular eruption on face and extremities; in asthmatic trouble, change of air and weather; during chill, fever perspiration; livid/bluish; worse at night and heat.
  • Swelling: lips, tongue, ears, eyes, skin; swollen external genitalia of males and females; with inflammation.

Modalities: < Heat and warmth of any kind, in closed heated rooms, hot baths, saunas; touch/pressure; right-side; sexual excess or frustration; midnight; after sleeping.
> Cold, cold applications or bath; uncovering; open air; movement; sitting erect; lying on right-side.

Disposition: They can pretend and seem to be happy when they actually feel wretched. Misfortune can make them laugh instead of cry because they feel awkward with the emotions. They are awkward and clumsy, knocking things over, tripping and falling usually from rushing. They can be constantly busy, with buzzing energy. They tend to walk fast, as if rushing. They can be fidgety, fussy and bumpy. There can be shrieking because of the sudden intensity of symptoms (as in stung by a bee).

Allergic. Lack of thirst generally. Flying dreams.

Arsenicum album
[arsenous acid]

A very important remedy for chemical warfare of any kind. Illnesses caused by chemical warfare including: Radiation sickness, Pesticides and Chemicals. Multiple chemicals sensitivities. Allergies. Exhaustion, collapse and great weakness. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea with burning pain in stomach with chillness, thirst and restlessness, and other gastrointestinal problems. Pain which feels burning. Degenerative changes causing deterioration of the physical and/or mental state. Ailments from anxiety and financial loss. Lou Gehrig's Disease. A major homeopathic polycrest for many acute and chronic disorders, acting particularly on the chest and alimentary tract with burning pain, chilliness, diarrhea or breathlessness. Predisposition to cancer, anxiety, depression.

  • Anxiety: with despair, restlessness and many fears of being alone, of death, a friend has met with an accident, robbers, vague and unaccountable, narrow places, after vexation, and during heat; free floating anxiety, worse at night in bed; fearful with desire to hide; anxiety as if guilty of a crime; as if they have not done their duty and if anything is expected of them; anxiety can come on during fever, chill, in bed, from sedentary employment, from sufferings, and when alone; anxiety can be felt in abdomen; concerns about health and their symptoms causes stress; prone to obsessive-compulsive disorders.
  • Alcoholism: from anxiety, fear and weakness of disposition.
  • Allergy and Hypersensitivity: prone to allergies; to pesticides, chemicals, allopathic drugs, antibiotics; extremely sensitive to inimical elements in the external environment including air pollution; to specific foods allergies especially milk, wheat, sugar, ice cream, with hypoglycemia; to odors with acute sense of smell; anaphylaxis reaction. Hay fever with burning eyes, tears light sensitive; nasal discharge thin watery burning; throat burning, asthma, fears suffocation; restless, worried, exhausted by symptoms.
  • Asthma: spasmatic and periodic attacks, coming on during sleep, after midnight, which causes them to spring up from bed; in elderly people; after anger or vexation; from change of weather; after suppressed eruptions; unable to lie down for fear of suffocation; worse from taking cold mid-summer, night, 2 a.m., lying down in afternoon, and better for sitting up or bending foreword.
  • Dengue Fever: with exhaustion from least exertion, fever, and to prevent or treat the scalded-like rashes.
  • Depression: when depressed they are very restless, blame themselves, loathe and are annoyed with the depression and with everyone and everything; in fussy nervous people who are more worried about the past then the future; sadness cannot be consoled; great restlessness, driven from one place to another, changing beds at night, tossing and turning all night; thinks of jumping from a window (but fear of death usually prevents suicide); worse when alone, and from midnight to 3 a.m.
  • Diarrhea: after eating or drinking; from tainted food, especially meat, poultry or too much fruit, ice cream or icy drinks when hot; heat in stomach; burning sensation when expelling stool, better for heat; with extreme weakness and coldness of extremities;
  • Edema: internal and external with swelling of skin and extremity pain; with thirst; feet swell with sweating.
  • Eyes: burning and tearing; puffy around eyes; eyelids and margins dry and scaly; iritis (inflammation of the iris); intense sensitivity to light (photophobia); better from warmth.
  • Exhaustion: too weak to move, and excessive from any exertion; better for lying still; also with emaciation.
  • Hodgkin's Disease: with fever.
  • Indigestion: with sensation of a stone weight in stomach, with retching and vomiting, heartburn after eating especially very late at night, worse from fruit, cold drinks, ice cream, acidic foods, and better from sips of water and warmth.
  • Post Traumatic Stress: much anxiety and "fear of the universe," as a dangerous place with despair and hopelessness; fearful: of being disabled, of germs and contamination, of catching a contagious disease, of AIDS, of being left alone and solitude; obsessed with their condition and unknowingly attached to it; anxiety of conscience with remorse. ailments from fear with anxiety; fear of killing or desire to kill; insane anxiety caused by fright or fear, or from grief, persecution mania, and religiousness; oversensitive to mental impressions; desire to escape and jumps out of bed suddenly.
  • Skin: Rash of sudden onset, worse from heat. Ance rosacea with violet papules on nose, worse in spring. Eczema is chronic with itching, burning and skin swells.Psoriasis in chronic cases where the skin is dry, rough and thickened; scaly, flakes off a fine white powder; hot and burning skin; burning itch; better for warmth, and worse for cold and scratching. Hives with wth burning, anxiety and restlessness, also from eating shellfish.
  • Vision: foggy, while reading; sparks during headache and vertigo; flickering; green floaters; blue sparks; objects seem gray; white points and spots; horizontal hemiopia and upper sector of vision lost.
  • Ulcers: gastric and duodenal; with burning pain in stomach immediately after eating; nausea and vomiting; inability to digest food; loss of appetite.

Modalities: < cold, drafts, wet weather, seashore; lying down, on back if having palpitations; cold food and drink, alcohol, sight and smell of food, after food, spoiled fish, watery fruit and vegetable diet, milk, wheat, sugar, ice cream, alcohol, coffee, vinegar; when alone; at or after midnight, 12-2 a.m., 1-3 a.m. and (when they may wake sweaty and thirsty), 2-3 am, 3 p.m., twilight; right-side; exertion; vaults and cellars.
> external heat, hot applications, warmth, hot drinks, elevated head, open air; talking and conversation esp. about problems; morning; 11 a.m., 1-2 p.m.; motion.

Disposition: Physical insecurity pervades this type, with an intense concern about their health. They fear and hate being ill, but also enjoy talking about it. Changing doctors and trying every therapy, usually finds them dissatisfied. Often obsessed with their digestive and eliminative systems, they abhor being constipated. There is a great concern with rigorous health diets and will follow them religiously. They are perfectionists, or always seeking perfection, aspiring to more than most can attain, both compulsive and driven. The driven over-doer of anything worth doing, they immerse themselves in work as most important. Famous for their meticulous attention to, and liking for, detail and accuracy, they tend to be efficient and they get things done. Their anxiety can be used to fill an emotional vacuum. Anal-retentive, they are orderly, tidy and obstinate, resisting, refusing, and hold fear in. They are so punctual with fear and even nightmares of being late, that they will start out early to avoid lateness and arrive early. They are also upset if made to wait, and have a passion for tight schedules. They can be prone to obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Chilly. Craves heat. Thirsty for sips. Sallow pale, almost alabaster complexion. Dry, rough skin.

Aurum metallicum
[metallic gold]

Depression caused by Gulf War Syndrome: Aurum is wonderful remedy to avoid or carefully replace anti-depressant drugs when the disposition fits. Many Anti-depressants such as Prozac and Zoloft are being prescribed by M.D.'s for the depression, grief and desperation which affects most sufferers of GWS because their lives are in ruin. They are very ill and being told it's all in their heads. Many can no longer function or work. Death and suicide is high among these vets, and the numbers are part of the cover-up. Depression, sadness, grief, and the trauma of all of the losses incured lead to suicidal tendencies, which are worse from pain, and impotency. They feel surrounded by a dark black cloud and alone, a failure and forsaken, having fallen from grace because of their losses. Self-condemnation and self-reproach about what has not been achieved and a sense of worthlessness, is followed by self-destructive attitudes. Ailments from violence. Multiple Sclerosis and spinal degeneration. Alcoholism. General weakness. Paralysis with madness. Insomnia.

  • Eye Problems: extreme photophobia; hemiopia with horizontal vision loss, the upper or lower half of objects are invisible; glaucoma; everything looks blue; double vision.
  • Halitosis: horrible odor from the mouth and nose; odor of old cheese; taste foul, bitter, putrid, sweetish or milky; excessive salivation; and gingivitis of girls at puberty who are gloomy or depressed.
  • Insomnia: tired but cannot sleep from chronic depression and mental activity which prevents sleep; sleep disturbed by sexual excitement; restless sleep with anxious or frightful dreams, wakes screaming and frightened; sobbing loudly in sleep; frequent waking and restless sleep.
  • Nose Problems: chronic inflammation of nasal bones; necrosis decay with fetid discharge of pus, blood and horrible odor; ulcerated, painful, swollen, obstructed; boring pains are worse at night; cancer of antrum (sinus cavity); sensitive smells; red knobby tip of nose.
  • Testicle Disorders: pain, neuralgia, swelling, and hardening; chronic induration; enlargment of the right testicle; pressing pain of right testes; soreness in evening 6-11 p.m.; tension of testes; atrophy and undeveloped in boys; hydrocele of children; flow of prostatic fluid with flaccidity of the penis.
  • Vertigo: as if spinning in a circle when stooping, or rising after stooping but then better; staggering as if drunk when walking in open air, feels as if one would fall to the left or is swaying to the left and must lie down; sensation as if a currant of air is rushing through the head when cold; head feels full, giddy and hot; with headache; from motion.

Emotions; failure; night; waking; right-side; cold weather, cloudy, winter; getting cold; from sunset to sunrise, night; noise.
> Heat, warmth, cool open air, cool bathing; walking in open air; evenings; music; moonlight.

Sadness, depression, despair, despondency and disappointment is their plague. A heavy weight (like gold metal) is carried within their psyche. When depressed they feel surrounded by a dark black cloud with a deep sense of hopelessness. They are prone to seasonal depressions which are worse in the darkness of winter and when the sun doesn't shine. They have a deep feeling of having "fallen from grace", as a result of their unrealized aspirations and there are losses and failures. When depressed, thay are inflexible and can't see any possibilty for changing their life. They want to die, and may talk and think cheerfully of death and suicide as a way out. Death as the solution to their suffering is very appealing and freeing to them. Financial loss or a business failure is a loss of their "golden touch: and can overwhelm their sense of self-worth.

Right-sided symptoms. Chilly.

[toxin of bacillus botulinum]

Illnesses from Botulinum Toxoid Vaccine with symptoms of: ptosis (drooping upper eyelid); double and blurred vision; cramping stomach pain; severe constipation; difficulty swallowing and breathing, choking sensation; weakness and uncertainty in walking, "blind staggers"; dizziness; thickening of speech; weakness of facial muscles causing mask-like facial expression; and symptoms of food poisoning and botulism.

Cadmium sulphuricum
[cadmic sulphate]

Illness from radiation sickness, chemical and toxic poisoning, lead poisoning, vaccinations. Chronic fatigue with extreme prostration, great weakness and exhaustion. Cancer. Formication of the skin and deeper tissues. Asleep sensation or like ants crawling in the extremities deep in the muscles and the skin. Hyperaesthesia or anesthesia. Numbness of parts; the nose, one hand. Paralyzed parts are sometimes painful. Crawling in paralyzed parts.

  • Cancer: if you have cancer with burning prostration and vomiting CADM-S will relieve these symptoms for weeks; a great palliative for gastric irritation of cancer.
  • Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy: to antidote the severe side effects of these cancer therapies which can cause persistent vomiting [30c, which may cause patient to throw up soon after remedy and then feels much better]; lifts spirits of cancer sufferer in general; intense or violent nausea, retching; black vomit; many of these patients die because they cannot eat but this remedy will save them.

< Walking, motion; carrying; after sleep; open air; stimulants.
> Rest; eating.

Disposition: There is a dread of work; aversion to doing everything mental and physical. Wants to be perfectly quiet; part of it is a state of indolence part of it is an aversion to motion. Don't speak to me; don't bother me; let me be in peace; with anxiety.

to p. 3

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